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495 Phoenixville Road, Chaplin, CT 06235

Windham County Connecticut

 Phone: (860) 455-0073

 Fax: (860) 455-0027

 Email: assistant@chaplinct.org


Selectman's Office

The Chaplin Board of Selectmen play a very important role in the past, present and future of the Town of Chaplin.  They contribute heavily to Chaplin's thriving and growth of the community.  The Chaplin Board of Selectmen's duties include calling town meetings, announcing elections, designation of appointed employees, setting certain fees, overseeing certain volunteer and appointed bodies and creating basic town regulations.

Email for the First Selectman:  firstselectman@chaplinct.org





Upcoming Meetings & Events (next 30 days)



Chaplin Final Approved Budget FY 2023-2024


Chaplin Affordable Housing Plan

Community Ferrara Center Use - Application and Regulations

Fire Department Hall Rental - Application and Regulations

Phone: 860-455-0073 ext 310
Fax: 860-455-0027


Susan Welshman
Administrative Assistant