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495 Phoenixville Road, Chaplin, CT 06235

Windham County Connecticut

 Phone: (860) 455-0073

 Fax: (860) 455-0027

 Email: assistant@chaplinct.org




The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) for Chaplin and Hampton, CT consists of a group of trained volunteers who are available, if activated, to provide a second tier response to a local emergency that would otherwise overwhelm the available professional responders (like police & fire).  Examples of incidents that might cause an activation of the team are hurricanes, floods, chemical spills & terrorist attacks.  If needed, the team would also set up and run a local Red Cross shelter.  Because we are small towns that get along so well together, our team covers both Chaplin and Hampton.

Team members have all completed a 9-week FEMA course to be certified for CERT, which included training in first aid, triage, the Incident Command System, firefighting, light search & rescue, cribbing, dealing with chemical & other hazardous materials and other general purpose emergency response skills.  Most members of the team additionally have certifications in CPR, AED, Red Cross First Aid and Red Cross Shelter Operations, as well as taken courses on the Incident Command System.

Download the CERT Information Sheet Here that has detailed information on membership requirements and policies for the team.

We are looking for additional members. If you think you might have an interest in joining, please contact Chris Komuves (860) 455-9839.


Jim Randall
Emergency Management Director