495 Phoenixville Road, Chaplin, CT 06235
Phone: (860) 455-0073
Fax: (860) 455-0027
Email: assistant@chaplinct.org
Begining Saturday, March 29, 2025, The Chaplin Transfer Station will be open every Saturday from 9 AM - 4 PM.
Chaplin's Trash & Recycling Center is located at 456 Phoenixville Road (Rt. 198) (next to the Town Garage)
Hazardous Waste
The majority of Chaplin's trash is incinerated at one of Connecticut's three trash incinerators. Toxic chemicals such as mercury, lead, cadmium & brominated fire retardants can potentially pollute the air during the incineration process or the soil and water where the ash residue is land filled. Half of Connecticut's mercury pollution comes from our trash incinerators!
Most hazardous waste should be taken to the MidNEROC Chemical Waste Facility in Willington. This includes the following items:
Cell Phones*AcidsCausticsHousehold CleanersPaints (oil-based, lead)
Rechargeable Batteries*
(alkaline batteries can go in household trash)Solvents
*Rechargeable batteries and cell phones may also be recycled at no cost at many retailers, including Home Depot, Staples, Radio Shack, Best Buy, Whole Foods Market and Ikea.
**Fluorescent bulbs may also be recycled at no cost at Home Depot, Ace Hardware and Ikea.
MidNEROC Chemical Waste Facility
57 Hancock Road
Willington, CTPhone: (860) 289-2296
Hours: 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM on the 3rd Saturday of the month beginning on the 3rd Saturday in April and ending with the 3rd Saturday in October.
This practice is also a way of reducing waste while, at the same time, creating a product useful as a garden mulch, soil amendment or potting mix. Fruit and vegetable peels, cores or rinds and other non- animal kitchen scraps can be combined with grass clippings, leaves, weeds & other biodegradable materials to make this product. Much information is generally available on the best methods of establishing a compost area. A useful website to visit is www.compostinfo.com.
Cubic Yards
Up to 19.5": $3.75
19.5"- 24.5": $15.75
Chaplin Town Hall 495 Phoenixville Road Chaplin, CT 06235
Town Hall Hours
Monday: 9AM to 3PM Tuesday: 1PM to 7PM Wednesday: 9AM to 3PM Thursday: 9AM to 3PM Friday: Closed
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