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495 Phoenixville Road, Chaplin, CT 06235

Windham County Connecticut

 Phone: (860) 455-0073

 Fax: (860) 455-0027

 Email: assistant@chaplinct.org




Town of Chaplin - MILL Rates FY 2024-25

Real Estate and Personal Property: 29.95 mills

Motor Vehicle (State Cap): 29.95 mills


The Assessor's Office is located at the Windham Town Hall, 979 Main Street, Willimantic, Connecticut 06226. 

Office hours for Windham are Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.  Thursday's, 8:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. 


 (860) 455-0073 x 314 or (860) 465-3024

The Assessor will also continue to have appointments available on weekends and evenings in Chaplin for residents as well.

  Are you looking for a quick answer or maybe information on what to bring to the assessor ?  Save time and email our Assessor at assessor@chaplinct.org 

The Assessor is required by Connecticut Law to list and value all real and personal property.  Valuation is subject to ad valorem taxation on an assessment grand list each year.  The "ad valorem" basis for taxation means that all property should be taxed "according to value", which is the definition of ad valorem.  Motor vehicles are assessed each year, utilizing the October issue of a national pricing manual, at 70 percent of the average retail value.

The Assessor does not raise or lower taxes. The Assessor does not make the laws that affect property owners.

The Assessor's Office has nothing to do with the total amount of taxes collected.  The Assessor's primary responsibility is to estimate the fair market value of your property so that you may pay only your fair share of the taxes.  The tax rate is determined by all the taxing agencies within the Town and is the basis for the budget needed or demanded by the voters to provide for services such as schools, roads, law enforcement, etc.  Tax rates are simply those rates that will provide funds to pay for those services.

The Tax Collector's role is to collect payment for taxes.  If you disagree with your bill, you should see the Assessor, Chandler Rose, at the Chaplin Town Hall.  To make a payment you can pay online or in person at the Tax Collector's Office located in Willimantic. Click here for more information on the Tax Collector's services.



Motor Vehicle Tax Adjustment Information Sheet

Press Release - Revaluation 2018


2024 Declaration of Personal Property (Long Form)

2024 Declaration of Personal Property Camper/MV Form

2024 Declaration of Personal Property-Short Form

Application to the Assessor for Exemption of Certain Farm Buildings

Assessment Appeals - Application Grand List

Assessment Appeals Application Motor Vehicle

Exemption - Farm Machinery, Horses, Ponies

Exemption - Itemized Listing of Manufacturing Machinery & Equipment

Exemption - Manufacturing Machinery & Equipment Exemption Claim

Exemption of Ambulance-Type or Modified Handicap Vehicle - Application

Farmland - Application

Forest Land - Application

Military Active Duty-CT Resident - Application

Totally Disabled Tax Exemption Form D-1

Veteran - Application for Additional Veterans Exemption

Veteran Still in Service-Tax Exemption Form

Contact Assessor

Phone: 860-465-3024
Fax: (860) 455-0027
495 Phoenixville Road, Chaplin CT 06235


Chandler Rose