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495 Phoenixville Road, Chaplin, CT 06235

Windham County Connecticut

 Phone: (860) 455-0073

 Fax: (860) 455-0027

 Email: assistant@chaplinct.org


Trash & Recycling


Rolling trash & recyclable carts (you must use the carts that are provided) are picked up every Thursday.  

Curbside pickup for Chaplin is done by Willimantic Waste Paper Company, Inc ( now known as Casella).  All trash in the household garbage carts must be in bags and carts should be placed 18" from the edge of the road.  It is the resident's responsibility to keep trash cans off the roads on days there is no pickup.

Acceptable Recyclable Items Include:

Juice & Milk Cartons
Paperboard Boxes (e.g, Cereal Boxes, Tissue Boxes, Egg Cartons)
Metal (Small)
Aerosol Cans (Empty)
Aluminum Cans
Foil & Trays
Pots and Pans
Steel Cans
Envelopes (Window Okay)
File Folders
Hard & Soft Cover Books
Junk Mail
Multi 3-ply Paper
Office Paper
Phone Books
School Papers
Plastic, most #1-5 and #7 items (View code list)
Detergent Bottles
Plastic Buckets
Plastic Crates
Plastic Milk Jugs
Soda Bottles
Water Bottles
Yogurt Containers


The Following Items Are Not Allowed In The Recycling Cart:

Bubble Wrap
Food Waste in Containers (Food Containers Must Be Rinsed Clean)
Hazardous or Biohazard Waste
Needles or Syringes
Plastic Bags*
Polystyrene Foam (Styrofoam™)
Trash or Plastic Bagged Iitems


*Many supermarkets provide drop-off bins where they will accept plastic bags for recycling. Or, better yet, get reusable bags for your shopping.




Curbside Collection Container Policy


Transfer Station - Confirmation of Construction Job

Phone: (860) 455-0073 ext. 310